Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Urgent Prayers needed for Stellan

I was just getting ready to log out of my puter.... And I thought I better go back to to see if there is any new update on Stellan!

There is/was and we need to all get on our knees and pray hard!!

Stellan has gone into prolonged V-Tach and the Drs. are giving him Lidocaine to try to break him out of it!!!!

Please Please pray for MckMama and Stellan!!!

Remember God hears us all!

Pray For Stellan

Stellan and MckMama are still @ the Children's Hospital! Stellan is still in SVT with a heart rate that bounces from 300 bpm to the low 200s! They have tried several drugs and none have brought his heart rate down to a normal sinus rate! They are now back down off the Beta blockers as they won't help anyway!

Everyone needs to Dirty their knees and pray for a healed heart in little Stellan... This child is a child of God and wasn't suppose to live to be born. But was born a healed!

I believe he will be healed again!!

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive. Matthew 21:22

Monday, March 23, 2009

MckMama and Baby Stellan

Please pray for Stellan, His heart rate was 300 bpm @ around 130 am. The last update I recieved was that the drugs they tried weren't working.

They were going to try a drug that stops his heart in the hopes of it restarting in a slow pace.......

So please say a pray for MckMama and Stellan!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The New Year

Well its the new year and a new start........ I hope 2009 is better then 2008 was....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

So I join the blogging world

Hello everyone, I've decide to join the blogging world! So it goes I'm a 30 year old mom to a wonderful 11 year old boy who entered the 5th grade in August!

I also have a wonderful hubby who i've been married to for 3 years but been with since 1996!

On top of my already male ran house, I have 3 Male cats Max, Mike, and Maddie. Oh yea and a male puppy Mason! Talk about the odd ball out!